Core stability, organization and balance are three key elements of Dance TuneUp; a self-care program that doesn't only increase the longevity of the dancer's career, but also helps them to achieve more success faster.
So many limitations are due to improper preparation. When you learn how to prepare your body for competitive situations, your performance will be spot on, just like your practices!
Not only can you bring Dance TuneUp to your studio where all of your students can learn these techniques during organized workshops, but we also offer our trademarked program options at some of the largest competitions in the country.
Benito Garcia is a man with unquestionable style and charisma and an impressive professional dance pedigree. It comes as no surprise that Benito developed his program, Dance TuneUp, to help dancers of all levels, refine and master the details of their performances.
You will often hear Benito say, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change," and that's what Dance TuneUp does!
Benito Garcia has worked with hundreds of amateur and professional dancers teaching them how to relax, breath and recognize their body's state of organization and control. The result.....more connection to the ground, allowing the body to respond quicker on command, they way you expect it to. No other program is proven to calm nerves and improve stability the way Dance TuneUp does. Click the link below to read the first-hand experiences from some of the best known dancers in the industry.