Egor Abashkin and Katia Kanevskaya
US National Amateur Intnl Standard Champions
US Rising Star Professional Intnl Standard Champions
US Professional International Standard Finalists
"We decided to try Coreganize 360, mostly because we wanted to get more fit, but also because we wanted to add another dimension to our training. We started with Benito in November of 2012 and immediately felt different effects on our dancing and overall condition.
After one week of training, we competed at Ohio Star Ball and felt more positive energy in our performance and were asked by people who have seen us compete many times, "What are you doing differently?"
One month later, we competed at Holiday Classic (Las Vegas) and we felt a definate improvement in our stamina. In March, we competed at Heritage Classic (Asheville, NC) and won the Professional Standard division. We felt a difference in our communication on the dancefloor, as well as better postural awareness.
Six months after we started Coreganize 360, we experienced our best performance at Blackpool. We felt very confident in our physical condition and we were ready in every possible way; mentally, physically and emotionally. We received positive comments from our coaches as well as people who do not work with us.
Overall, we feel that we changed in more ways than we expected. Not only do we look more toned and present with a more streamlined look on the floor, but we feel less pain from dance-related injuries (much less shoulder and neck tension for both of us, less knee pain for Katia and improved flexibility and less hip pain for Egor).
Since we feel that we are constantly evolving, we are very excited about our career and how Coreganize 360 will continue to help us develop and be more receptive with our lessons and practice sessions. We will definately continue and recommend these programs!"